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.:: XFM Dance | Non Stop Dance ::.

Dj Tiesto - Lethal Industry [1999]

.:: XFM 90s | Heroes Of The 9ties ::.

Rob 'n' Raz - Clubhopping [1993]

.:: XFM Hits | Where Hit Music Lives ::.

Delinquent Habits - Return Of The Tres [2001]


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XFM este numele unei idei care, respectand canoanele clasice ale unui radio doreste sa fie totodata un "altfel" de radio. Acum 10 ani am inceput emisia sub numele de Z100 Romania, urmand ca timp de 4 ani sa facem totul pentru tine, ascultatorule , pentru ca TU sa te simti bine alaturi de noi.

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Web: http://www.x-fm.ro

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Live : http://www.x-fm.ro/live.m3u

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OnAir PlayList

Webdesign & Hosting
Armand Media Productions


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